Wednesday, January 16, 2008

OpenID theory and Practice

So, now I have an openid, I have told my provider all about myself.
When I login to other sites, even for the first time (without having registered) I would expect the information provided to my OpenID provider to automatically be form-filled (at the very least)

doesn't do this (it isn't alone). I login and it asks me for my email, first name etc.
This shows me that what the theorists/visionaries saw as a future for URL identity and how it is actually being implemented is a long way apart.

If I have to tell my openid provider all about myself, and then have to do it all over again for each new site I got to, I can comfortable predict that OpenID will fail in its goals

1 comment:

Miki Szikszai said...

Nice site - talked with the mokomoko guys over the weekend. They understand this but no-one seems to have cracked it yet